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2024 (8)

FranCa L.G.S.; Ciarrusta J.; Gale-Grant O.; Fenn-Moltu S.; Fitzgibbon S.; Chew A.; Falconer S.; Dimitrova R.; Cordero-Grande L.; Price A.N.; Hughes E.; O¿Muircheartaigh J.; Duff E.; Tuulari J.J.; Deco G.; Counsell S.J.; Hajnal J.V.; Nosarti C.; Arichi T.; Edwards A.D.; McAlonan G.; Batalle D.. Neonatal brain dynamic functional connectivity in term and preterm infants and its association with early childhood neurodevelopment. Nature Communications 2024; 15(1).

Ibanez A.; Kringelbach M.L.; Deco G.. A synergetic turn in cognitive neuroscience of brain diseases. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2024.

Martinez-Molina N, Sanz-Perl Y, Escrichs A, Kringelbach ML, Deco G. Turbulent dynamics and whole-brain modeling: toward new clinical applications for traumatic brain injury. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 2024; 18(0).

Martinez-Molina N.; Escrichs A.; Sanz-Perl Y.; Sihvonen A.J.; Sarkamo T.; Kringelbach M.L.; Deco G.. The evolution of whole-brain turbulent dynamics during recovery from traumatic brain injury. Network Neuroscience 2024; 8(1): 158-177.

Ponce-Alvarez A.; Deco G.. The Hopf whole-brain model and its linear approximation. Scientific Reports 2024; 14(1).

Szakacs H.; Mutlu M.C.; Balestrieri G.; Gombos F.; Braun J.; Kringelbach M.L.; Deco G.; Kovacs I.. Navigating Pubertal Goldilocks: The Optimal Pace for Hierarchical Brain Organization. Advanced Science Letters 2024.

Vohryzek J.; Cabral J.; Lord L.D.; Fernandes H.M.; Roseman L.; Nutt D.J.; Carhart-Harris R.L.; Deco G.; Kringelbach M.L.. Brain dynamics predictive of response to psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression. Brain Communications 2024; 6(2).

2023 (46)

Alonso S, Tyborowska A, Ikani N, Mocking RJT, Figueroa CA, Schene AH, Deco G, Kringelbach ML, Cabral J, Ruhe HG. Depression recurrence is accompanied by longer periods in default mode and more frequent attentional and reward processing dynamic brain-states during resting-state activity. Human Brain Mapping 2023; 44(17): 5770-5783.

Bergoin R.; Torcini A.; Deco G.; Quoy M.; Zamora-Lopez G.. Inhibitory neurons control the consolidation of neural assemblies via adaptation to selective stimuli. Scientific Reports 2023; 13(1): 1-17.